Education for a New World


A dialogue between Aftab Omer, Founder and CEO, Meridian University and May East at Humanity Rising Day 51 by Ubiquity University

The current educational model is dysfunctional.  If you think about it, every sector of society has changed with the progression of human history, except education. Medicine, economics, technology, culture, art, spirituality have all evolved. Education has not. Students are compelled to attend class, take notes, memorize information, take tests, just like in ancient China and Greece. What is urgently needed is a radically new way of learning, one that is not based on competition but collaboration, not about memorisation but about wisdom, and not about information but imagination. Education must be integral, uniting the head, heart and hands so students have the mindsets, skillsets and toolsets they need to live abundant lives and come together and unleash glocal potential.

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Webinar (Zoom)

July 11, 2020

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Time zone: GMT+01:00

May East